Proven Solutions for Fixing Duplicate Content Issues

Duplicate content is one of the major issues website owners face. It creates hurdles in the ranking of a site that causes a significant reduction in online visibility. In worst cases, it may lead to some serious consequences like financial penalties and permanent removal of the site.

That’s why it is essential to discover and fix duplicate content issues to avoid facing severe problems. However, most website owners keep struggling and fail to fix such issues. They don’t know what they should do when involved in this matter. 

Considering this, we have crafted this guide that covers multiple useful methods that enable you to resolve duplicate content issues. So, continue reading until you familiarize yourself with all possible solutions. Ready to get started? Let’s dive in.

Aim To Create Unique Content

When it comes to creating content for websites, it is best not to take risks. Don’t lean towards content scraping & using invisible text to complete content words to save your time and effort .

The creation of distinct content helps you stay safe from the risk of duplicate content. To produce unique website content, explain topics using your own thoughts, ideas, and opinions. Whatever, explain, make sure that it reflects your distinct voice.

Sometimes, by deeply understanding a title, you can present it from new angles. This might require you to perform research before writing, but it helps you to describe things from different perspectives.

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Ensure Content Originality

Ensure Content Originality

The most effective way to fix duplicate content issues is to ensure originality before uploading to your website. This practice aids you in avoiding instances of duplication in your content.

But the question is, how would you confirm whether your content is original or duplicated? Well! For this, you can use a reliable free plagiarism checker to examine your content for duplicates.

Rather, you just need to submit the content to the plagiarism detector. The tool dives deeper into the submitted text and pinpoints all the duplicate sentences. Besides, it also provide sources where the content is allowing you to remove duplicates.

Apply 301 Redirects

Another feasible solution to solve duplicate content issues is applying 301 redirects. This method is mostly used when your website has multiple pages having almost similar content.

Before redirecting a page containing duplications, you have to create a new version of that page with unique content. After creating the fresh variant, you have to apply a 301 redirect to the old page. This procedure leads to the permanent migration of the old page to a new one.

A 301 redirect passes a duplicate page’s link equity to a unique page. Considering this page shifting, search engines don’t perceive old pages as duplicate versions.

Use Canonicalization

Use Canonicalization

When your site has various pages containing similar content, search engines get confused. They struggle to identify which page is original and which is duplicate.

Canonicalization presents itself as a possible fix for this problem. This method allows you to provide clear instructions to search engines about the pages of your website. This technique involves attributing duplicate pages with canonical tags.

A canonical tag signals to the search engines that the page they are going to crawl is a duplicate version of an original page. Knowing the difference, search engines easily determine which page to rank.

Utilize No Index Tag

Sometimes, during regular monitoring of your website content, you encounter some pages having plagiarism. This is the time when you need to bring no index tag into play.

Whenever you see such pages, immediately apply no index tag to them. This tag informs the search engines that this page is not ready to be indexed. Seeing this tag, search engines overlook the page and keep crawling and indexing other pages of your site.

When duplicate pages aren’t indexed, you don’t have to deal with unwanted problems related to them. Upon making the victim page’s content unique, you can remove this tag easily.

Practice Proper Attribution

Practice Proper Attribution

You have to often borrow content from external sources, especially when you write insightful content. While using others’ content, make sure that you practice proper attribution.

For this purpose, mention the source name along with copied content. You can also insert an in-text link in your content that helps readers and search engines to navigate to the source. When you credit the source, search engines don’t perceive copied content as duplication.

Rather, making fair use of existing content increases your site’s credibility in the eyes of search engines. That’s how crediting sources saves you from facing duplicate content issues.

To Sum Up

To put it concisely, duplicate content can be very harmful to a website. From lowering credibility to inviting search engine penalties, it may result in dire consequences.  Therefore, keeping a firm eye on issues related to duplicate content becomes necessary.

For your convenience, we have mentioned above six best-performing solutions. We hope that you have thoroughly reviewed all of them. Also, we expect that you will implement our suggestions whenever you spot duplicate content on your website.

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